How did I or my child get Lice?

In the United States, infestation with head lice is most common among preschool and elementary aged children and their household members and caretakers.

Head lice are mainly spread by direct contact with the hair of an infested person. The most common way to get head lice is by head-to-head contact with a person who already has head lice.

Transmissions can be common among children during play at school, home, and elsewhere there is close physical contact (such as sports activities, playgrounds, camp, and slumber parties).

Does sharing clothes or a bed allow for lice infestation?

It’s uncommon, but transmission may occur by

  • Sharing clothing, such as hats, scarves, coats, sports uniforms, or hair ribbons worn by an infested person
  • Using infested combs, brushes or towels
  • Lying on a bed, couch, pillow, carpet, or stuffed animal that has recently been in contact with an infested person.